Now however, we are getting about 8 or 9 eggs daily and the egg boxes in the fridge just keep filling up. I thought it would be fun to try bread pudding again. I've heard they serve it in some very upscale restaurants in Manhattan. I figured our chicks are upscale girls and will serve up some pretty good eating pudding.
"Out of Vermont Kitchens" has quite a few pudding offerings that I like to read over. They use lots of eggs! But somehow graham cracker or grape nut puddings don't sound as good tasting as simple bread pudding.

We have been baking sourdough bread all year from a starter we made from soured milk. It makes a great bread with big holes and dark crusts. With the cost of flour now, its a good idea to try and use the leftover bread for breadcrumbs and toast. In sourdough baking, you have to use the starter at least once a week and that makes for some creative thinking on how to use the leftover bread.
Here's our very basic bread pudding recipe:
- 1 egg to 1 cup of milk
(we used 3 eggs and about 3 cups of 2% milk combined with a little half and half. ("Out of Vermont Kitchens" uses condensed milk).
- About a cup or cup and a 1/2 of dried bread chunks.
- About 1/2 cup of sugar depending on the sweetness of the bread..(we threw in a couple of stale oatmeal cookies.)
- A little salt, some spices that you like such as cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla
- A few dried fruits like raisins, cut up dried apricots and nuts
- A few chunks of cut up apples
Put the bread chunks into a buttered casserole or any oven-proof serving dish. Beat the eggs and milk, sugar and fruit and/or nuts together and pour right over the bread chunks. Garnish the top with some cut up apples if you want.
We added some thawed frozen strawberries from the freezer.
Bake in 350 oven for about 40-45 minutes or until set. Its yummy.
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