He has to fertilize 13 hens every day and sometimes at the end of the day he's the first one in the roost. He's had it.
We are learning alot about chickens this winter. We have one that has gone broody as they say and won't get off her nest. She's very sweet though and I shove her off and put her on the floor of the roost. She eats and poops and then gets right back on the nest.
I've been reading thru forums and what I have to do is isolate her from the nests for a few days to get her mind off of the nest. I guess I'll put her in Erika's catbox for a few days in our washroom. If that doesn't work, the next tac is to put her in a pen alone with the rooster for a few days... and he'll get her mind off nesting for awhile.
My Mom doesn't think either idea will work. But I will have to go ahead and try it or she'll be on that nest the rest of the winter.
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